Ear Biometrics Identification


Biometrics is the automated system that can identify an human being by measuring theirphysical and behavioral uniqueness or patterns, and compare it to those on record. There are different types of biometrics which can identify fingerprints, face, iris, palm vein prints,voice of an individual.

Biometric identifiers can be categorized as follows:

1.Physiological characteristics

2.Behavioral characteristics.

Physiological characteristics means shape of the body e.g it includes fingerprint, face recognition, Palm vein print, iris recognition and lot more

Behavioral characteristics are related to the behavior of a person, e,g typing rhythm,gait, and voice and lot more , some researchers have also called this as behaviometrics.

Disadvantages of the traditional methods:

  • Difficult to remember
  • Easy to loose
  • Passwords can be cracked
  • Invasiveness
  • Low security Level
  • Cards and keys are often stolen

Ear Biometrics Identification overview:

Human ears plays important role in the forensic science for many years.Earprints found on the crime scene have been used as a proof in many cases.Human ear contains large amount of specific and unique features that allows for human identification.Ear images can be easily taken from a distance and without knowledge of the examined individual that’s why it is suitable for security, surveillance, access control and monitoring applications.

Ear Biometrics based on Force Field Transformation , the application of force field transformation finds energy lines, wells and channels as ear features. (see below snapshot)